Explore our extensive collection of Nexperia and third party reference designs and evaluation boards. Leveraging the latest in semiconductor technology, they offer complete systems, subsystems, and specialized functions that seamlessly integrate into your projects.
- Nexperia H-bridge motor controller power supply circuit
- Analog Devices EVAL-LTC4286-A1Z Hotswap
- Analog Devices EVAL-LTC4287 54 V, 72 A Hotswap
- Broadcom GAN039-650NBB half bridge
- Microchip MIC2129 48-to-12 V power conversion
- NXP ASLxxxxSHN headlight
- NXP FS86 Functional safety
- NXP FS85 Functional safety
- NXP FS23 Functional safety
- Texas Instruments PMP23496 8 kW Hostwap