Bipolar transistors


ESD protection, TVS, filtering and signal conditioning





Analog & Logic ICs

Automotive qualified products (AEC-Q100/Q101)

Bi-directional GaN FETs

Unconventional innovative GaN solution in BMS

Nexperia’s bi-directional GaN FETs are ideal for power applications where voltage blocking and current conduction are important functions. For example, they deliver a superior solution when replacing conventional back-to-back silicon MOSFETs in Battery Management Systems (BMS). Guaranteeing low conduction losses and ultra-high switching speed capability as well as delivering significant space savings (smallest footprint). They also bring these benefits when applied as over-voltage protection (OVP), switching circuits for multiple power sources and high side load switches in bidirectional converters.

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Bi-directional GaN FETs
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Type number Description Status Quick access
GANB012-040CBA 40 V, 12 mOhm bi-directional Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET in a 1.2 mm x 1.7 mm Wafer Level Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP) Development
GANB1R2-040QBA 40 V, 1.2 mOhm bi-directional Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET in a 4.0 mm x 6.0 mm Very-Thin-Profile Quad Flat No-Lead Package (VQFN) Development
GANB4R8-040CBA 40 V, 4.8 mOhm bi-directional Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET in a 2.1 mm x 2.1 mm Wafer Level Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP) Production
GANB8R0-040CBA 40 V, 8.0 mOhm bi-directional Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET in a 1.7 mm x 1.7 mm Wafer Level Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP) Production
Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Leaflet (2)

File name Title Type Date
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaNFETs_2024-CHN.pdf Power GaN FETs Chinese Leaflet 2024-07-31
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaNFETs_2024.pdf Power GaN FETs Leaflet 2024-07-24

Marcom graphics (1)

File name Title Type Date
RS5824_WLCSP22-A-Combi_small.png SOT8086 Marcom image Marcom graphics 2024-06-11

Outline 3d (1)

File name Title Type Date
wlcsp22_sot8086_3d.png SOT8086-1; WLCSP22 Outline 3d 2024-05-30

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