Bipolar transistors


ESD protection, TVS, filtering and signal conditioning





Analog & Logic ICs

Automotive qualified products (AEC-Q100/Q101)


Type number VCC (V) Logic switching levels Output drive capability (mA) tpd (ns) fmax (MHz) Nr of bits Power dissipation considerations Tamb (°C) Rth(j-a) (K/W) Ψth(j-top) (K/W) Rth(j-c) (K/W) Package name
74AUP3G3404DC 0.8 - 3.6 CMOS ± 1.9 4.0 70 3 ultra low -40~125 203 34.1 113 VSSOP8
74AUP3G3404GN 0.8 - 3.6 CMOS ± 1.9 4.0 70 3 ultra low -40~125 238 10.6 148 XSON8
74AUP3G3404GS 0.8 - 3.6 CMOS ± 1.9 4.0 70 3 ultra low -40~125 276 10.8 146 XSON8
74AUP3G3404GT 0.8 - 3.6 CMOS ± 1.9 4.0 70 3 ultra low -40~125 327 6.1 157 XSON8


Type number Orderable part number, (Ordering code (12NC)) Status Marking Package Package information Reflow-/Wave soldering Packing
74AUP3G3404DC 74AUP3G3404DCH
Active aZ SOT765-1
SOT765-1 SOT765-1_125
74AUP3G3404GN 74AUP3G3404GNX
Active aZ SOT1116
74AUP3G3404GS 74AUP3G3404GSX
Active aZ SOT1203
74AUP3G3404GT 74AUP3G3404GTX
Active aZ SOT833-1
SOT833-1 SOT833-1_115

All type numbers in the table below are discontinued.

Type number Orderable part number, (Ordering code (12NC)) Status Marking Package Package information Reflow-/Wave soldering Packing
74AUP3G3404GD 74AUP3G3404GDH
Withdrawn / End-of-life aZ SOT996-2
SOT996-2 SOT996-2_125
74AUP3G3404GF 74AUP3G3404GFX
Obsolete no package information
74AUP3G3404GM 74AUP3G3404GMH
Obsolete no package information

Environmental information

Type number Orderable part number Chemical content RoHS RHF-indicator
74AUP3G3404DC 74AUP3G3404DCH 74AUP3G3404DC rohs rhf rhf
74AUP3G3404GN 74AUP3G3404GNX 74AUP3G3404GN rohs rhf rhf
74AUP3G3404GS 74AUP3G3404GSX 74AUP3G3404GS rohs rhf rhf
74AUP3G3404GT 74AUP3G3404GTX 74AUP3G3404GT rohs rhf rhf

All type numbers in the table below are discontinued.

Type number Orderable part number Chemical content RoHS RHF-indicator
74AUP3G3404GD 74AUP3G3404GDH 74AUP3G3404GD rohs rhf rhf
74AUP3G3404GF 74AUP3G3404GFX 74AUP3G3404GF rohs rhf rhf
74AUP3G3404GM 74AUP3G3404GMH 74AUP3G3404GM rohs rhf rhf
Quality and reliability disclaimer

Documentation (24)

File name Title Type Date
74AUP3G3404 Low-power dual buffer and single inverter Data sheet 2024-04-29
AN90063 Questions about package outline drawings Application note 2025-03-12
Nexperia_document_guide_MiniLogic_PicoGate_201901 PicoGate leaded logic portfolio guide Brochure 2019-01-07
Nexperia_document_guide_MiniLogic_MicroPak_201808 MicroPak leadless logic portfolio guide Brochure 2018-09-03
SOT765-1 3D model for products with SOT765-1 package Design support 2020-01-22
SOT1116 3D model for products with SOT1116 package Design support 2023-02-02
SOT1203 3D model for products with SOT1203 package Design support 2023-02-02
SOT833-1 3D model for products with SOT833-1 package Design support 2021-01-28
aup3g3404 IBIS model IBIS model 2014-06-04
Nexperia_document_Logic_CombinationLogic_infocard_201710 Combination logic solutions card Leaflet 2019-08-09
Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_AUP_technology_portfolio_201904 Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_AUP_technology_portfolio_201904 Leaflet 2019-04-12
Nexperia_package_poster Nexperia package poster Leaflet 2020-05-15
VSSOP8_SOT765-1_mk plastic, very thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; 0.5 mm pitch; 2 mm x 2.3 mm x 1 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28
XSON8_SOT1203_mk plastic, leadless extremely thin small outline package; 8 terminals; 0.35 mm pitch; 1.35 mm x 1 mm x 0.35 mm body Marcom graphics 2019-02-04
SOT765-1 plastic, very thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; 0.5 mm pitch; 2 mm x 2.3 mm x 1 mm body Package information 2022-06-03
SOT996-2 plastic, leadless extremely thin small outline package; 8 terminals; 0.5 mm pitch; 3 mm x 2 mm x 0.5 mm body Package information 2020-04-21
SOT1116 plastic, leadless extremely thin small outline package; 8 terminals; 0.3 mm pitch; 1.2 mm x 1 mm x 0.35 mm body Package information 2022-06-02
SOT1203 plastic, leadless extremely thin small outline package; 8 terminals; 0.35 mm pitch; 1.35 mm x 1 mm x 0.35 mm body Package information 2022-06-03
SOT833-1 plastic, leadless extremely thin small outline package; 8 terminals; 0.5 mm pitch; 1 mm x 1.95 mm x 0.5 mm body Package information 2022-06-03
REFLOW_BG-BD-1 Reflow soldering profile Reflow soldering 2021-04-06
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023 Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 Selection guide 2023-05-10
MAR_SOT1116 MAR_SOT1116 Topmark Top marking 2013-06-03
MAR_SOT1203 MAR_SOT1203 Topmark Top marking 2013-06-03
MAR_SOT833 MAR_SOT833 Topmark Top marking 2013-06-03


If you are in need of design/technical support, let us know and fill in the answer form we'll get back to you shortly.


File name Title Type Date
SOT765-1 3D model for products with SOT765-1 package Design support 2020-01-22
SOT1116 3D model for products with SOT1116 package Design support 2023-02-02
SOT1203 3D model for products with SOT1203 package Design support 2023-02-02
SOT833-1 3D model for products with SOT833-1 package Design support 2021-01-28
aup3g3404 IBIS model IBIS model 2014-06-04


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