Nexperia honored to receive Bosch Global Supplier Award for the second time in a row
In 2021 Nexperia was again among the 46 suppliers worldwide singled out for one of the prestigious Bosch Suppliers awards.
Every two years, Bosch honors its suppliers from around the world with the Bosch Global Supplier Award. It is the 17th time that Bosch has rewarded outstanding performance in manufacturing and supplying products and services. The 46 award winners are the pick of the crop from roughly 23,000 companies that supply goods and services to Bosch. Across the globe, some 37,000 Bosch associates work in purchasing and logistics; they keep around 240 manufacturing plants supplied with parts and raw materials every day.
Nexperia was very happy to receive an award for ‘Purchasing of direct materials – Mobility Solutions’. Winning the award for the second time in a row is a testament to Nexperia’s long-standing collaborative relationship with the leading global supplier of technology and services Bosch, including early-stage product development to overcome the challenges the automotive industry is facing.
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